An entertaining and informative presenter, Mister Manners, Thomas P. Farley, has addressed audiences young and old, corporate and creative. From business etiquette to table manners, client entertaining to social-media behavior, Thomas tackles keynote topics that are essential for success in the worlds of business and beyond. Delivered in a style that’s modern and memorable, a presentation by Mister Manners is a surefire way of giving your next seminar or event a classy yet contemporary edge.
Thomas is an ideal speaker for annual meetings, company retreats, conferences, graduation ceremonies, and master of ceremony roles.

Bridging the Generation Gap
Summary: Millennials are on the ascendancy in corporations. And though untold numbers of them are sky-high achievers, stereotypes regarding Millennials’ inability to communicate beyond text messages and Snapchat persist. Baby Boomers, in particular, view the digital natives with disdain. How can these two generations, born as much as forty years apart, begin to see eye to eye? And what role does the current middle child, Generation X, have to play in helping bridge the gap? Our workplaces are far richer when they embrace diversity—including a diversity of ages.
Ideal Industry Audiences: Advertising, Automotive, Education, Engineering, Finance, Government, Hospitality, Healthcare, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Non-Profit, Retail, Technology

Changing Etiquette for a Changing World
Summary: Standing out for all the right reasons is the goal of this keynote. We’ll talk touches such as thank-you notes, knowing when to stow the cell phone, and tips for what to wear in a culture peppered with business casual. An inspiring kick-start for anyone just beginning a professional career, and a much-needed reminder for those who are more established in their professions, “Changing Etiquette for a Changing World” makes the case for bringing gentility, listening and consideration back to the forefront in the American workplace.
Ideal Industry Audiences: Advertising, Finance, Government, Hospitality, Healthcare, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Non-Profit, Publishing, Retail, Technology, University

Leaving the Box
Summary: If your meetings are filled with phrases such as “It is What it Is” and “Drink the Kool-Aid,” it’s time to hit the reset button on your business lingo. In this interactive keynote, we examine the origin of these and other overused expressions; why we rely on them so heavily; and why it’s time to let them go once and for all. Ideal for anyone who prizes the English language (or indeed, anyone who butchers it), this session asks all who attend to leave their jargon at the door and challenges them to depart with a fresh perspective on communicating.
Ideal Industry Audiences: Advertising, Automotive, Engineering, Finance, Government, Hospitality, Healthcare, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Non-Profit, Technology

Making Light Work of Working the Room
Summary: This session provides a real-time opportunity to burnish best practices for networking. Audience members will hone their elevator speeches, develop new ways of remembering names and polish their “pickup lines” to join conversations already in progress. The keynote will provide strategies for overcoming shyness, making introductions and mastering “The Rule of 7.” Once attendees have honed their skills, the room transforms into an actual networking session where the audience puts the techniques and best practices they have just learned to immediate and effective use.
Ideal Industry Audiences: Advertising, Automotive, Engineering, Finance, Hospitality, Healthcare, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Non-Profit, Retail, Technology, University

Will You Say Sorry to Your Robot?
Summary: This keynote takes a long-lead look at etiquette for the 2020s. With insight gathered from futurists, scientists and leading ethicists, the presentation provides attendees with a peek into their own futures. From self-driving cars to robotic personal assistants, sales meetings conducted via virtual reality to passenger etiquette on a crowded Hyperloop tube, these will be the issues of our time during the third decade of the twenty-first century. Get a glimpse of what is to come and give yourself a jump-start on developing best practices for your own behavior—before it’s too late.
Ideal Industry Audiences: Advertising, Automotive, Engineering, Finance, Government, Hospitality, Healthcare, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Non-Profit, Retail, Technology, University

Other Keynotes Include
(Inquire for details)
• The Communication Jungle
• Corporate Etiquette in 2025
• Dealing With Difficult People
• Diversity, Inclusion and Respect
• Dressing for Success
• Getting Along & Getting Ahead
• The High Cost of Incivility
• Managing Up, Down and Sideways
• Millennial Master Class
• The Power of Professionalism
• The Secret to Stellar Sales
• Why Perception Isn’t Always Reality
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