
Bottom-Line Business Writing2020-07-02T13:47:36-04:00

Bottom-Line Business Writing

Description: If the thought of drafting a report sends shivers up your team’s collective spine, or if their memos are verbose and meander without meaning, this writing workshop has the solutions. With practice activities that help non-professional writers organize their thoughts and words more concisely and methodically, this course is also ideal for anyone who’s ever suffered writer’s block, split an infinitive or dangled a preposition.

Session Achievements (partial list):
• Keeping your writing precise and concise
• Knowing the difference between affect and effect; they’re and there; you’re and your
• Observing the ideal length for a sentence and the maximum height for a paragraph
• Using the active voice
• Avoiding acronyms and trite business-speak
• Discovering how tools built into Microsoft Office can make you a better writer
• Perfecting punctuation—from commas to semicolons

Audience: Lorem Ipsum
Pairs Well With: [this would be a list of other programs that would be hyperlinked to their pages]

Scheduling Options:

  • Half-Day
  • Full-Day
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